Koishi Komeiji


Blossoming Eyes of Love

The usual outfit of Koishi from the world delirious with eternal spring. Instead of a knife, she holds a trowel.

Blossoming Eyes of Love
Voice Lines

Voice Sets

Subconscious Beautification
VA: Tomizawa Eri
Struggles to Make Friends
VA: Matsuda Satsumi
Holey School Garden
VA: Matsuda Risae

Character Information

Temperament: Slow Earthquake

Slow Earthquake (a Touhou LW original) refers to seismic events where the earth shifts at a much slower pace compared to regular earthquakes. This is an apt temperament for this Koishi, who knows the joys and sorrows of not being noticed in class. Koishi really enjoys being invisible, but sometimes it makes her feel lonely. (Strong against Moon Essence.) She digs holes, digs out weeds, and makes the garden look nice and tidy! (Strong against Wood Phase and Earth Phase.) She plants pretty flowers in the hope that people will notice them. (Weak to Star Essence.) Spring is the season of rebirth that follows winter, the season of death. Animals emerge from their burrows, and plants sprout up from the ground. This world's Koishi digs so many holes because she's dying to know how this works.

Ability/Backstory: Capable of manipulating the unconscious mind (Cherry Blossom)

The ability of Koishi Komeiji from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). This ability is essentially the same as the abilities of Koishis from other worlds. Similar to the events of our world, people only began to remember encountering this Koishi after the spring-themed disturbance with the Palace of the Earth Spirits was resolved. However, this doesn't necessarily mean no one encountered Koishi earlier. Koishi is hard to notice, so she doesn't leave much of an impression. That said, there are some who claim to have met her long ago. Koishi's world is a variant of the beach world of eternal summer. The cycle of water rising from the sea to the sky and back down as rain is also the cycle of dragons and one of the temperament cycles. The large volume of water that formed the ocean in the summer world evaporated into the sky and fell as rain, bringing a new abundance of life that turned Koishi's world into a world of eternal spring. The many cherry blossoms in this world, along with all the other trees and flowers, seem unusually vibrant and full of life. And it's not just the plants. The cheerful and carefree spring atmosphere has affected all forms of life and even concepts. This is apparently why school, a place of new beginnings, has such a strong influence on this world. But is that the only reason? Other, less eccentric Gensokyos have a temple school, and the people living there know a little about how schools operate in the outside world, but they don't go crazy about school whenever spring comes around. This world's Koishi believes the secret to this mystery is buried underground. But this isn't a conscious thought. It's more of an instinct. And there are a few factors that indicate she might be right. The soil acts as an incubator of rebirth. The daughter of Fujimi sleeps in the soil beneath the Saigyou Ayakashi, and the nobles of the Asuka period (538 to 710) were found underground. The Underworld is a sealed paradise, and Hell is a place where souls repay their debts before proceeding to the next life. The god who creates earthliness is also a Mother Earth goddess. Koishi was digging for these secrets when she stumbled upon a vampire princess cooped up in her room.


Flower-Growing Squad

The Spread Shot of Koishi Komeiji from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). This attack shows how much she wants the flowers to grow. Students usually only notice the gardens at school when the flowers are in bloom, but a lot of hidden effort and care goes into making them look so pretty.

  • Flower-Growing Squad
  • Tilling Squad
  • Seed-Sowing Squad
  • Watering Squad
  • Sunshine Squad
  • Wait & Watch Squad
Hole-Digging Squad

The Focus Shot of Koishi Komeiji from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). This attack shows how much she wants to dig holes in the garden. When you stop to think about it, dirt is pretty amazing. All sorts of animals burrow into the dirt to endure the winter cold. Seeds also pass the winter underground, waiting to grow shoots in the spring. But how does that work in a world where it's always spring?

  • Hole-Digging Squad
  • A Few Holes
  • Some Holes
  • Several Holes
  • Lots of Holes
  • Too Many Holes
Pink Rootless Rose

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She shoots rootless pink roses in this attack. If fate had followed another path, this attack could have become the "Subterranean Rose" Spell Card. This Koishi doesn't put down any roots and wanders around even more than other Koishis. Detecting her presence is extremely difficult, so no one can really stop her from leaving the Underworld. However, this is a double-edged sword. If Koishi wants people to notice her, she has to try really hard to suppress her ability or draw attention to herself by playing pranks.

  • Rootless Rose
  • Pink Rootless Rose
  • Pale Pink Rootless Rose
  • Scarlet Rootless Rose
  • Red Rootless Rose
  • Spring-Colored Rootless Rose
Rose-Colored Gehenna

A Spell Card of Koishi Komeiji from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). She scatters pink roses everywhere in this attack. If fate had followed another path, this attack could have become the "Rose Hell" Spell Card. It's unknown why youkai have brains or what they use them for. A certain vampire even went so far as to claim they don't need brains. Be that as it may, don't you think a youkai trapped in the Underworld is similar to a brain trapped inside a skull? The brain is composed of soft tissue, so it needs the skull for protection, but the skull also limits its growth. While the youkai of the Underworld may consider Former Hell to be a kind of paradise, it's still a hellish place to live. Koishi may have started wandering up on the surface much earlier than people realize.

  • Rose-Colored Hell
  • Rose-Colored Limbo
  • Rose-Colored Purgatory
  • Rose-Colored Prison
  • Rose-Colored Penitentiary
  • Rose-Colored Jail
Pink and Spiky Rose Garden

The Last Word of Koishi Komeiji from the world delirious with eternal spring (a Touhou LW original). Every pink rose has its thorn. Koishi wants to fill the school with flowers. But why stop there? Why not fill the whole world with flowers? And not just with roses but cherry blossoms, too? When Koishi heard the story about someone being buried under a legendary cherry tree and how a noble prince was dug up out of the ground, she concluded that the soil has a mysterious power to create life. So, she decided to uncover its secrets by digging lots of holes! ...But it didn't take long for her to forget about all of this. So why does she keep on digging? Is it to find pets? To make friends? Or is it to get her sister to notice her?

  • Rose-Colored Thorn Garden
  • Pink Thorn Garden
  • Spiky Thorn Garden
  • Stifling Thorn Garden
  • Shockingly Pink Thorn Garden
  • Needle-Pointed Thorn Garden


Skill: Innocuous Trowel

With this, Koishi can dig anywhere. But she should really ask permission first.

Skill: Misplaced Log Book

"I asked Satori to stamp it for me, but she still hasn't done it."

Skill: Spring Pebble Hat

Being able to go unnoticed can be useful, but not when you want to make friends.

Passive: What's Buried Under the Cherry Tree?
Passive: Buried Treasure!
Passive: Fancy School Bag